Wednesday 23 Jan 2019

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Education Newsletter January 2019


(Fraefel, 2014 )

Conférence sur l’éducation :
Une belle édition 2019 !

Nous avons ouvert l’année 2019 avec notre Conférence annuelle sur l'éducation “Une pratique pédagogique étayée par la recherche”. Reflecting the geographical and intellectual position of Geneva, at the crossroads of French, Swiss and international discourse on education, the speakers at this year’s conference represent a marriage of theory and best practice that combines to create an ideal environment for creating a culture of learning.

“La prise de risque fait partie du métier de l’enseignant.”

Selon Sylvain Rudaz, directeur général de l’enseignement secondaire II à Genève, la pratique de l’enseignant se définit comme un ensemble de gestes professionnels et elle doit nécessairement évoluer. Il nous a parlé d’une oscillation permanente entre la conception et l’action qui nous mènent à une réflexion profonde sur le geste professionnel. Les moyens d’enseignement et les structures, l’ontologie même des écoles, sont en train de changer et ce phénomène est clairement lié à la recherche dans plusieurs domaines des sciences sociales. Lire la présentation de Sylvain Rudaz.

“Comprendre ≠ apprendre”

Stéphanie Roussel, maître de conférence à l’Université de Bordeaux, nous a rappelé l’importance de faire la distinction entre la tâche scolaire et l’objectif d’apprentissage dans le contexte de la théorie de la charge cognitive. Ses recherches creusent la question des facteurs qui ont un impact sur la compréhension auditive et l'importance d'accorder une attention explicite au soutien pédagogique linguistique dans les classes EMILE (CLIL). Son approche équilibrée et nuancée du rôle de la technologie dans l'éducation contribue à interroger l'impact de la neuro-éducation sur notre compréhension de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage. Lire la présentation de Stéphanie Roussel.

“The mission is not only learning to think, but thinking to learn.”

Over the course of the last year, more than 100 Ecolint teachers have participated in Project Zero’s online course Creating Cultures of Thinking. If it is our aim to alter the intellectual climate of our school, then the combined presentations offered by Jim Reese of Washington International School and Liz Dawes Duraisingh of Project Zero demonstrate clearly how this aim can be lived out in a dynamic process of design based research and continuing professional development (Fraefel, 2014 - see diagramme above). Read Liz Dawes Duraisingh's presentation / Read Jim Reese's presentation.

Education Conference Survey : Your Opinion Matters!

We continually seek to improve our provision. Your opinion is important to us to ensure that our conferences better meet your needs.

>> CLICK HERE TO BEGIN THE SURVEY (IN ENGLISH)This will only take a few minutes of your time. Thank you!
>> CLIQUEZ ICI POUR RÉPONDRE AU QUESTIONNAIRE (EN FRANÇAIS). Cela ne vous prendra que quelques minutes. Merci!


Come with a Problem, Leave with a Project !

In Château de Bossey (Vaud)
In English and French

In the spirit of promoting research-based pedagogical innovation, we have developed a four-day summer workshop to develop research action projects in international schools. This has been done in collaboration with professors from Durham University, the University of Geneva, Tübingen University, and Wellington College China.

This workshop will prepare you to undertake a research action project in your school.

1. Bring your question
You will be asked to bring with you THE burning question at your school or any important question you may have as an education professional.

2. Get help to start your project
We will help you to develop a research action project that will allow you to address that question.

The programme will include:

  • guest speakers
  • modules in research methods (in French and in English)
  • small-group workshops
  • time for community building, reflection, consultation and exchange.

3. Work & share
During the academic year 2019-2020, we will provide access to an online forum for ongoing discussion and support. Particularly innovative results will be published in a peer-reviewed research journal.

>>Discover the full programme and register

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PGCE International 2019 : A Talented Group of future International Teachers

This year’s cohort in our PGCE International teacher training program is an exceptional group. I joined them in Durham in early January for the School of Education’s annual Reflective Practice Conference where she offered a keynote address on International Mindedness. The trainees returned to Geneva with renewed vigor and excitement as they prepare for their second School Experience placement.

Please remember that outside speakers and seminars offered through the PGCE are open to Ecolint staff and are well worth the time. This years SEN days will be held on January 29th - 30th, 2019 at Nations. If you are interested in attending any of these sessions, please contact Lisa Parker (

Topics include:

  • Working with students with sensory, physical challenges and impairments
  • ADHD
  • Executive Functioning
  • Supporting very able students and
  • Individual Education Plans

Annexe VI Interim Reports

An announcement concerning Annexe VI for 2019-2020 will be made in the coming weeks.