Friday 27 Jan 2017

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January Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Our ongoing monthly seminar series, the Thursday Afternoon Symposium and “Better Together” (for Ecolint staff only) will continue and we look forward to seeing you at either or both. Thanks to the excellent work of our colleagues Catherine Mérigay and Daniel Medina, we will now be able to open registrations for all new courses via the Institute website.

We are just one month into 2017 and yet there is so much creative and rich activity that has taken place. 

PGCE students travelling to Durham

In early January, our PGCE International trainee teachers travelled to Durham for the university’s Reflective Practitioner Conference. During two intense weeks, our PGCE trainees joined their Durham peers at the School of Education. The academic sessions they are able to attend during these weeks further support the practical workshops and teaching experience happening here in Geneva. Through lectures, seminars, discussions with tutors, workshops and visits to the library, our trainees returned to Geneva further inspired for their future careers in the classroom.  

Notre première promotion du Master !

Félicitations aux étudiants de la première promotion du Master qui ont reçu leur diplôme à UniMail le 13 janvier! Dans son discours, Mme Tuck a exprimé le respect que nous ressentons tous pour ces professeurs qui se sont montrés capables de poursuivre leurs études tout en restant pleinement impliqués auprès de leurs élèves. 

We hope that more Ecolint Staff will choose to take advantage of the incredible opportunities for professional development through our collaborative programs with such reputable institutions as Durham University, the Université de Genève and Laval University. 

A success for Ecolint 14th Annual Education Conference 

On January 14th nearly 200 participants braved the inclement weather to listen to three inspirational speakers focus on the Head and the Heart, a holistic approach to education. Olivier Revol, Hannah Critchlow and David Sander shared their respective expertise on children, the brain, and emotions, encouraging us to think deeply about our approach to teaching and learning as we look toward the future. 

Cette réflexion est très importante car nous cherchons à offrir une éducation qui permette à nos élèves de s’épanouir de manière équilibrée, avec un bon sens de l’éthique et les moyens de faire face à la complexité des problèmes fondamentaux et globaux du XXIe siècle. Nous devons alors prendre en considération ce que nous savons à présent sur la la nature de la connaissance, de la pensée et de la condition humaine. En repensant le rôle du coeur, nous reconnaissons que les émotions humaines ont un impact sur l’apprentissage. La création d’un environnement d’apprentissage véritablement productif et fécond implique de faire preuve de sensibilité aussi bien envers les besoins affectifs qu'envers les besoins cognitifs. C’est un environnement au sein duquel sont reconnues et cultivées les différentes formes de l’intelligence humaine.

Last Symposium: What does it mean to learn to write? 

With participants from both Ecolint and outside, our January 26th Symposium was a success and generated very interesting discussions. Click here to read more

Annexe VI Interim Reports 2016-2017

Last but not least, a number of our colleagues have been working on their Annexe VI grants. Click here to read their reports (Ecolint staff only).

We look forward to reading the applications for 2017-2018. The deadline is 30th January 2017. If you are interested in Annexe VI, please submit the application to: