Friday 29 Sep 2017

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Newsletter - September 2017

Better Together Seminars

This year’s Better Together Seminars are focused on Differentiated Instruction. We continue to offer Ecolint staff the option of participating in the live discussion or via videoconference. An exciting new development is our collaboration with the Aga Khan Foundation schools in Kenya, Mozambique and India.

Christiane Charon, Head of the Department of Modern Languages on the Campus des Nations led our first, fascinating discussion: “ Differentiation Through Tandem Learning.” Drawing from her doctoral research working with indigenous children in Australia, Christiane challenged us to rethink the traditional power structures of the classroom so as to empower children in the learning process. Fundamental elements in her method for language instruction echo the principles at the heart of the IB Learner Profile and encourage us, as teachers, to embrace the qualities of risk-taking and self-reflection in our practice.

We hope to see you at the next seminar at 5:15 on October 3rd on "Stress and Anxiety in the Classroom“ → Register here

Thursday Afternoon Symposium Series

We opened this series on 21 September with ‘Research on Pluriliteracy / Recherches sur la plurilittératie”:

Nous partons du principe que nos élèves comprennent et parlent de nos matières dans une langue spécialisée, qui est spécifique au sujet traité et à la tâche donnée. Cependant, à quel point explicitons-nous cette langue auprès de nos élèves ? Est-ce que nous utilisons les bonnes stratégies pour rendre cette « littératie » accessible ? Existe-il des ponts entre les matières ? Que se passe-t-il lorsque la matière est enseignée en langue seconde (L2) ? Prenons-nous en compte les diverses approches culturelles de notre population scolaire fort variée ?

We expect our students to understand and to communicate in our specific subject with a specialist language suited to the subject and the task. However, how often do we make this specialist language explicit to our students? Do we use suitable strategies to ensure this "literacy" is made accessible? Are there bridges between subjects? What happens when the subject is taught in L2 and do we take into account the various cultural approaches of our very diverse school population?

These are some of the questions Frederic Taveau and Dunja Chamberlain of LGB Middle School challenged us to consider in an inspiring, interactive and hands-on discussion based on their action research on plurilingualism.

Better Together and the symposiums are just some of the Institute’s offerings this year. Don’t forget to check the Institute website regularly for professional development opportunities.

Places are still available for the following courses:

GEHOT: Gifted Education and High Order Thinking
TYCEMC: Teaching Young Children English in a Multilingual Context
Assistant training course: 7 on-site modules spread over the school year
Language courses: French and English from beginner to advanced level

NewAll IT courses are now also available on the Institute website

Full catalogue: Click on this link and use the filters to select your courses.


Ecolint’s Annual Education Conference will be held on January 13th at LGB Centre des arts.
La Conférence annuelle sur l'éducation se tiendra le 13 janvier 2018 au Centre des arts à LGB.

Register here / Inscrivez-vous ici!


Ecolint - Durham University PGCE International:

A new cohort of PGCE students has begun their year with an introduction to International Education. It is a very promising and delightful group. A number of the trainees have already joined us for Institute seminars and it is a true pleasure to have them in our midst! Please note that sessions of the PGCE are open to Ecolint staff. If you are interested, check the Institute website.

Annexe VI Project Reports 2017-2018

Click here to read the first reports of the year.