Mercredi 09 juin 2021

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Education Newsletter June 2021



L'année a été longue et inhabituellement exigeante à bien des égards. Je suis constamment inspirée par tout ce que nous avons réussi à accomplir au-delà des exigences "normales" (qui n’étaient pas du tout normales). Bientôt, nous ferons une pause pour les vacances d'été. Où que se trouve votre chemin préféré (celui-ci est le mien), je vous souhaite à tous un temps de repos et de ressourcement bien mérité. 

It has been a long and unusually challenging year in many respects. I am both amazed and inspired by all that we have managed to accomplish above and beyond the “normal” requirements of daily life at school. Soon we will pause for the summer holidays. Wherever your favorite path lies (this one is mine), I wish you all well-deserved rest and renewal. 


For your reading pleasure I offer you the latest edition of the RIPE Research Journal: International Education Theory and Practice to set you on your way! 

Parmi les articles, nous trouvons le travail de trois de nos professeurs. Puisant dans leur riche expérience de l’enseignement de la langue de Molière (mais pas que), Sarah Fortier, Sara Privat et Julienne Turan fournissent des principes pratiques et concrets pour nous guider dans la décolonisation du curriculum et l’ouverture aux élèves d’une gamme de littératures qui parlent de la diversité de la condition humaine.

If you have an article you would like to submit for the fall/winter edition, the deadline is 15 October 2021. We are also looking for additional peer readers. If you are interested please contact

1) Les Principes d’apprentissage de l’Ecolint/The Learning Principles

Conformément au premier pilier des ambitions stratégiques, nous avons continué à travailler ensemble pour rendre les principes d'apprentissage visibles, intégrés et compris par les enseignants, les élèves et les parents. 

Take a look at this month’s article on 
Learning Principle Number 9: Affectively and socially healthy environments promote learning 

Look out for modules on the principles of practice to be offered through the Institute of Learning and Teaching next year! 

2) Institute Offerings

New Institute catalogue for 2021-2022

Language courses, online training and more…

With the Institute of Learning and Teaching team, we have begun to prepare our professional development offering for 2021-2022. The Institute website will be ready for registration when you return to school in August. Many core courses will continue to be offered, such as classes in English and French provided by ASC Languages on all three campuses. 

Nous avons la chance de voir s’offrir à nous autant d’occasions de développement professionnel et d’engagement intellectuel. 

Nous espérons que vous serez nombreux à vous inscrire !

Additional offerings will include 

  • the continuation of Teaching Multilingual Learners EN/FR) in collaboration with Eowyn Crisfield (Oxford Brookes University)
  • Principles of Practice: A Thinking Toolkit for Teachers (EN) with Patrick Alexander (Oxford Brookes University) focused on the Learning Principles 
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion (EN/FR) with Abdeljalil Akkari (Université de Genève) and Karen Taylor (Ecolint) 
  • La classe : lieu de collaboration/ The Classroom: A collaborative endeavor (EN/FR). This course is a prerequisite for classroom assistants who wish later to pursue teacher certification through Ecolint 
  • a P4C-inspired module, Curating Educational Spaces for Ethical Awareness with Natalie Fletcher of BRILA in January 2022 (EN/FR) 
  • The MProf Master of Professional Practice through Durham University (EN) 
  • Coming soon! Soft-skills (EN/FR) modules for teaching and non-teaching staff

Ecolint/Durham University Initial Teacher Training Programme 
(PGCE International)


This June marks the 10th anniversary of the Ecolint / Durham University PGCE International. The graduates of this year's course leave us at the end of June ready for new adventures in teaching posts located in Ticino, Vaud and Geneva.

We are incredibly pleased to start our second decade with the introduction of a part-time teacher training programme. Eight Ecolint classroom assistants have been accepted by the university and are receiving full bursaries from the Foundation to become certified teachers. The first cohort of this pilot programme is focused on early years and primary education. In addition to the eight part-time places, two full-time students have been offered a bursary in our effort to increase diversity among international educators. 

The Ecolint/Durham University initial teacher training course is successful thanks to the support from many of you in the Foundation and in our area partner schools (La Côte International School, Institut Florimont, International School of Lausanne, Institut International de Lancy and Collège Champittet).  

We would like to thank everyone who has served as a mentor or school link, offered a workshop session, or contributed in any other way to this exceptional programme. Mentoring a trainee is a powerful experience in professional learning for both the novice and the veteran teacher. If you are interested in working with us as we develop the next generation of international educators, please contact Tanya Day Clark ( 

3) Préparation de l'évaluation synchronisée CIS/MSA/IB 

2022 will mark the first time that the Foundation will undertake an accreditation cycle involving all curricular programmes in all schools simultaneously (CIS/MSA/IB). 

On June 5th we submitted to CIS the first two parts of our self-study report: Part 1 (a school overview) and Domain A (Purpose and Direction). My heartfelt thanks to colleagues on the CdD, members of the HR and Finance department teams, the Domain A self-study committee and Rosaline Marquis for all their hard work in meeting this deadline. As I reread the report prior to submission I could not help but think that we have set the bar high but I also have no doubt that the remainder of the report will be of equally high quality as befits our school. The full report will be sent to CIS in early December.

The June Pedagogical Day offered the self-study committees valuable time to complete the  first draft of the remaining domain reports. In the afternoon, David Hawley and I hosted a session for non-teaching staff on the accreditation process, aimed at highlighting its relevance to all members of the Ecolint community. 

My heartfelt thanks for the commitment and thoughtful reflection that has gone into this important work already. I know we will meet the visiting team in 2022 with pride in all that we have accomplished as a Foundation. 

La visite d'évaluation CIS aura lieu du 7 au 11 février 2022. 

Je vous remercie de tout cœur pour l'engagement et la réflexion approfondie qui ont déjà été consacrés à ce travail important. Je sais que nous rencontrerons l'équipe de visiteurs en 2022  avec fierté pour tout ce que nous avons accompli en tant que Fondation et certainement pas toujours dans les conditions les plus faciles. 

4) Notre travail continu sur l'Inclusion 

Pendant deux ans, les membres du groupe de travail sur l'inclusion ont continué à travailler dans toute une série de domaines qui nous permettront de vivre plus pleinement notre mission telle qu'elle est énoncée dans la Déclaration de l'Ecolint sur l'inclusion, la diversité et l'équité.  

In April the Conférence des Directeurs officially adopted aligned policies and procedures for learning support and ESP in all schools, primary and secondary. I am deeply grateful to the members of the Inclusion Working Group for their exemplary collaboration in undertaking work that is so essential to our mission of inclusion and that will allow us to be coherent and consistent in supporting our students. 

Nous nous réjouissons de soutenir toutes les équipes dans la mise en œuvre de ces documents et de leur fournir des opportunités de formation afin de maintenir la meilleure offre possible pour nos élèves. 

Members of the Inclusion working group are: Lexi Couet, Jodi Bilek, Carine El Khoury, Patrick Jefford, Magali Harris, Elise Pitteloud, Judith Senior, Heidi Lothspeich, Matt Mello, Catherine Newton, Laurence Lampert, Anita Godson, Jeanette Magura, Rebecca Tyrell, Michael Kewley and Karen Taylor.

5) Annexe VI grants for 2021-2022

Annexe VI grants for 2021-2022 have been awarded to Jan Dijkstra (La Châtaigneraie) for Foundation-wide work on sustainability and to David Barrett (Nations) for a Year 6 Business Project

Links to interesting reading, resources and other opportunities