Mardi 31 mai 2022

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Education Newsletter June 2022

L'année a été longue et inhabituellement exigeante à bien des égards. Et je suis émerveillée par tout ce que nous avons réussi à accomplir - c'est vraiment inspirant.  Bientôt, nous ferons une pause pour les vacances d'été. Je vous souhaite à tous un repos et un ressourcement bien mérités. 

It has been a long and unusually challenging year in many respects. I am both amazed and inspired by all that we have managed to accomplish. Soon we will pause for the summer holidays. I wish you all well-deserved rest and renewal. 

In this edition of the newsletter: 

  1. Les Principes d’apprentissage de l’Ecolint / The Learning Principles
  2. Revised Language Policy
  3. Institute 2022-2023 Offerings 
  4. RIPE Research Journal: submit your article!
  5. Ecolint/Durham University Initial Teacher Education Programme (PGCE International)
  6. News from our Department
  7. Notre travail continu sur l'Inclusion
  8. Annexe VI reports 2021-2022
  9. Links to interesting reading, resources and other opportunities

1) Les Principes d’apprentissage de l’Ecolint / The Learning Principles

As noted in the CIS recommendations, one of our immediate areas for focus and development is to make visible our commitment to high quality learning and teaching as defined by the learning principles. 

Conformément au premier pilier des ambitions stratégiques, nous avons continué à travailler ensemble pour rendre les principes d'apprentissage visibles, intégrés et compris par les enseignants, les élèves et les parents. Nous avons ainsi rédigé une monographie qui contient le contexte et les articles pour chacun des principes : 

Version française : Les principes d’apprentissages à l’Ecolint
English version: The Learning Principles at Ecolint

Join us in exploring this further through our new Institute course, Learning Principles: A Thinking Toolkit for Teachers

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2) Revised Language Policy

In April, the Conférence des Directeurs approved the revised Language Policy (version française ici), following a series of Foundation-wide consultations. This revised policy reflects our mission-aligned approach to language learning.

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3) Institute 2022-2023 Offerings

Language courses, online training and more…

With the Institute of Learning and Teaching team, we have begun to prepare our professional development offering for 2022-2023. The Institute website will be ready for registration when you return to school in August. Many core courses will continue to be offered, such as classes in English and French provided by ASC Languages on all three campuses. 

Nous avons la chance de voir s’offrir à nous autant d’occasions de formation continue et d’engagement intellectuel. 

Register here at the start of next school year!
Inscrivez-vous ici dès la rentrée !

Additional offerings will include 

4) RIPE Research Journal: submit your article!

If you have an article you would like to submit for the next edition of the Research Journal: International Education Theory and Practice, the deadline is 15 October 2022. If you are interested please contact

Articles will be peer-reviewed by an editorial board prior to final acceptance. A series of online RIPE (Research Informed Practice in Education) webinars will be held during the next academic year, starting in September. Details will be forthcoming. 

See 2022 edition of the Journal
See past editions

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5) Ecolint/Durham University Initial Teacher Education Programme (PGCE International)

The graduates of the 2021-2022 Ecolint / Durham University Initial Teacher Education Programme leave us at the end of June ready for new adventures in teaching posts both locally and internationally. Cette année à été marquée par le sceau de la résilience et nous remercions tous ceux qui se sont impliqués, de près ou de loin dans le programme.

The first cohort of our part-time teacher education programme began their two-year course in August 2021 and have successfully completed their first year of the programme. Bravo a eux ! En août 2022, la deuxième promotion se lancera dans l’aventure ; des candidats externes et internes suivront ensemble le programme en vue de l’obtention du PGCE International ou du Certificat en pédagogie appliquée de l'Ecolint. The Foundation has been able to offer a number of full bursaries to eligible part-time Ecolint candidates, as well as continuing their commitment to increase diversity among international educators, by offering two full-time students a full scholarship.

Le succès des programmes Initial Teacher Education de l’Ecolint/Durham University est en grande partie lié au soutien de beaucoup d’entre vous dans la Fondation ainsi qu’à celui de nos partenaires, La Côte International School, Institut Florimont, International School of Lausanne, Institut International de Lancy, Haut-Lac International School et Collège Champittet. Thank you all for your continuous support.

We would like to thank everyone who has served as a mentor or school link, offered a workshop session, or contributed in any other way to this exceptional programme. Mentoring a trainee is a powerful experience in professional learning for both the novice and the veteran teacher. If you are interested in working with us as we develop the next generation of international educators, please contact Anne De Leon (

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6) News from our Department

At the end of this academic year we regretfully say goodbye to Tanya Day Clark who has successfully guided us through an important period of transition and development for our programmes. I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to work so closely with such a creative and wise teacher educator and I will sorely miss her. Tanya is taking on the post of Secondary School Principal at Berlin International School and I wish her the very best in this exciting new position. 

Rosaline Marquis, qui a été mon bras droit et mon soutien indéfectible au cours des sept dernières années, quittera l’équipe de l’Institut pour entreprendre une nouvelle aventure en tant que Responsable administrative (School Office Administrator) à l'Ecole secondaire du Campus des Nations. Heureusement, elle ne sera pas très loin et pourra encore me garder sur le droit chemin! 

The expansion of our Initial Teacher Education programmes is exciting and we have been fortunate in being able to build the Institute of Learning and Teaching team to support this growth. In August the Institute will welcome two new members to our team. Alison Eaglesham will be joining us as Head of Institute Business Development. Natalie Adams Perrin will join the team as a full-time teacher educator. 

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7) Notre travail continu sur l'Inclusion 

Pendant deux ans, les membres du groupe de travail sur l'inclusion ont continué à travailler dans toute une série de domaines qui nous permettront de vivre plus pleinement notre mission telle qu'elle est énoncée dans la Déclaration de l'Ecolint sur l'inclusion, la diversité et l'équité

Please note that the language of the descriptors for our three levels of support has been modified slightly.  

Ochan Kusuma-Powell et Kristen Pelletier de Next Frontier Inclusion continuent de travailler en étroite collaboration avec nous. Une question importante qu'elles soulèvent est la suivante : Dans quelle mesure notre modèle continue-t-il à développer les capacités de ceux qui y travaillent (y compris les enseignants spécialisés et les assistants) ? 

Co-teaching model form more inclusive classrooms
Please find here some of my reflections on the ways in which co-teaching may offer an enhanced learning experience for our students and less stress for teachers. We will be launching a 3-year programme of training in co-teaching on August 26th. I am very excited about this work and look forward to engaging with many colleagues from across the Foundation as we move forward on our journey.

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8) Annexe VI reports 2021-2022

Please find here the final reports for Annexe VI grants 2021-2022 : Foundation-wide work on Sustainability (Jan Dijkstra) and a Year 6 Business Project (David Barrett, Nations). Take a look at these pictures of our enthusiastic students! 

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9) Links to interesting reading, resources and other opportunities

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