Vendredi 30 Sep 2022

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Education Newsletter - October 2022

Voici déjà notre première newsletter de l’année. Nous espérons que l’effervescence parfois exigeante de la rentrée s’est apaisée - sans toutefois que l’énergie et l’enthousiasme ne diminuent !

Whether an administrative or teaching staff member, you will find something here to nourish your reflection on your daily practice. Professional development courses, insightful readings and a call for submissions are on the menu. 

In this edition: 

  1. Information sessions on our Initial Teacher Education 2023-24 course Read here
  2. Why are we talking about co-teaching? / Pourquoi le co-enseignement ? Read here
  3. Ecolint Learning Principles / Les Principes d’apprentissage Read here
  4. Register for our trainings / Inscrivez-vous à nos formations ! Read here
  5. RIPE Journal of Research - Call for articles / Appel à contributions Read here

1. ITE information sessions / Séances d'informations

Join us for our online informations sessions on 

  • Tuesday 18 October 2022, 12:30 - 13:15
  • Tuesday 15 November 2022, 12:30 - 13:15

Learn more

2. Why are we talking about co-teaching? Pourquoi le co-enseignement ?

Co-teaching is obviously not just about being two teachers in the classroom. Read the new inspiring article (in English and French) by Karen Taylor on why this specific educational pattern is a wonderful source of enrichment both for teachers and students. 

Vous étiez d’ailleurs nombreux le 26 août dernier à participer au passionnant séminaire sur le coenseignement donné par Ochan Kusuma-Powell et Kristen Pelletier. 


3. Ecolint Learning Principles / Les Principes d’apprentissage

If you are not yet familiar with the core component of an Ecolint education, read our Learning Principles Monograph published last year. Vous pouvez également choisir de lire la version française des Principes d’apprentissage.

If you want further to develop your daily practice in the classroom, register for our course Learning Principles: A Thinking Toolkit for Teachers. Les outils évoqués dans ce cours se fondent sur ces cinq éléments essentiels :

My teacher…

> Knows me (Culture, Structure, and Diversity)
> Checks what I already know and can do (Learning, Knowledge, and Understanding)
> Teaches in lots of different ways (Mind, Memory, and Meaning)
> Pauses to see if I understand (Fear, Failure, and Flourishing) 
> Gives me choices (Confidence, Courage, and Criticality)



4. Register for our trainings / Inscrivez-vous à nos formations !

Cette année, nous vous proposons à nouveau une longue liste de formations dans des domaines très variés : Soft Skills, Intercultural Understanding, Learning Languages, Culture de la Suisse, as well as our traditional MAS with the University of Geneva and our Masters with Durham University.

Browse our list of training courses

For Ecolint staff only: This new page on our Institute website has been created to help you access all information on Ecolint training courses for staff. Reminder: what is the procedure to follow to have your training request validated by your supervisor? Read this step-by-step guide

5. RIPE Research Journal - Call for articles / Appel à contributions

Are you committed to promoting research-informed practice in education? Nous vous invitons à soumettre vos articles pour le Research Journal: International Education in Theory and Practice.

Articles will be peer-reviewed by an editorial board prior to final acceptance. Deadline for submission is 15 December 2022.

Find out more