GEHOT - Gifted Education and High Order Thinking: Improving Learning Outcomes for Every Student

This course aims to explore the meaning of ‘Gifted and Talented’; is this even a term we should be using? How might we identify such students and, very importantly, how can we support them emotionally?

This 3 module course will cover the following:

  • Module 1 - Concepts of giftedness and characteristics of gifted students

    • Evolution of the concept and definitions of giftedness.

    • Commonly observed characteristics and behaviours associated with giftedness.

    • Recognising the differences between gifted students and high achievers.

  • Module 2 - Identifying gifted students

    • Methods of identification.

    • Importance of selecting a combination of identification measures that are inclusive of all students.

    • Uses and constraints of some identification measures

  • Module 3 Caring as thinking

    • Social and emotional characteristics and vulnerabilities associated with giftedness.

    • Affective characteristics and their impact on cognitive advancement.

    • Affective learning needs specific to areas of vulnerability.

    • Learning activities to meet the affective learning needs of gifted students.

Ce cours est réservé au personnel de l'Ecolint

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