Feb. 24
Ceux qui ont participé au Symposium offert par Abdennour Bidar le 23 février ont eu le grand plaisir d’écouter ce philosophe profondément humaniste nous parler d’une école du savoir-être. M. Bidar est revenu sur son thème des tisserands, ceux qui...
Jan. 27
Upcoming Events Our ongoing monthly seminar series, the Thursday Afternoon Symposium and “Better Together” (for Ecolint staff only) will continue and we look forward to seeing you at either or both. Thanks to the excellent work of our colleagues...
Jan. 27
What does it mean to learn to write? A child learns to wield a pencil or pen, to trace letters, to spell words, to join them in a sentence. But what does this really mean in terms of their development, their future academic success? I left the...
Coding coach photo
Dec. 07
The term is winding down but there is still a great deal of creative energy running through the Foundation. December 5-11 - Hour of Code All Ecolint schools will be participating in the worldwide Hour of Code . Please check out their website and...
Technology in Education
Nov. 15
Our first Better Together seminar was a resounding success thanks to Patrick Jefford who moderated a rich conversation on technology in education and to our excellent IT technicians who did a fantastic job setting up this first foundation-wide video...
Campus des Nations photo
Nov. 07
Technology in education - first seminar in the "Better Together" workshop series The Institute of Learning and Teaching is pleased to announce the inauguration of a new series of workshops: "Better Together" . These workshops will take place once a...
Sep. 28
Welcome to our first online Education Newsletter! It is our great pleasure to launch both our brand-new Institute website and the first of our series of online Education Newsletters. The online catalogue, registration and payment system is still...
Sep. 15
The Institute for Learning and Teaching is pleased to invite you to the first in this year’s series of Thursday afternoon symposia. Le but est de se réunir pour écouter, apprendre, discuter et profiter d'un moment convivial ensemble autour d'un...
