Wednesday 31 May 2023

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Education Newsletter - June 2023

Cette année a encore été riche en mouvements et en changements. C'est peut-être le cas pour chaque année scolaire. En repensant à tout ce que nous avons accompli en tant que communauté, je crois que nous pouvons partir en vacances avec de l'espoir. J'attends la rentrée avec une énergie positive pour nos futurs projets collectifs. En attendant, profitez au maximum de vos vacances d'été. Je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous une période de repos bien mérité et qui vous permette de vous ressourcer.

This has been yet another year full of movement and change. Perhaps this is true of every school year. Looking back over all that we have accomplished as a community I believe we can enter the holidays with a spirit of hope and I look forward to the return to school with positive energy for our future collective endeavours. In the meantime, make the very most of your summer holidays. I wish you all well-deserved rest and renewal. 

Institute Offerings 2023-2024

Pedagogy, well-being, sustainability and more…

With the Institute of Learning and Teaching team, we have been finalising our professional development offering for 2023-2024 with a wide range of professional learning opportunities. We will have several new courses and many core courses will continue to be offered in a revised format. Registration is now open for most courses and language courses provided by ASC languages will be ready for registration when you return to school in August.

Nous avons la chance de voir s’offrir à nous autant d’occasions de formation continue et d’engagement intellectuel. Nous espérons que vous serez nombreux à vous inscrire! 

Our offerings in term 1 will include:

Research Journal - New Edition 

For your summer reading! Here is the latest edition of the Research Journal: International Education Theory and Practice. If you are interested in submitting an article for the next volume, please contact Articles will be peer-reviewed by an editorial board prior to final acceptance. 

Ecolint/Durham University Initial Teacher Education Programme (PGCE International) and the Institute Team

The graduates of the 2022/2023 Ecolint / Durham University Initial Teacher Education Full-time Programme leave us at the end of June ready for new adventures in their teaching posts. Cette année a été riche en découvertes et en introspection pour cette promotion dynamique et solidaire, à l'esprit de communauté déjà bien développé.

The first cohort of our part-time teacher education programme have successfully completed their two-year course. Bravo à eux!  La deuxième promotion continue l’aventure après une première année riche en apprentissage et exploration. Ces candidats externes et internes poursuivront ensemble le programme en vue de l’obtention du PGCE International et du Certificat en pédagogie appliquée de l'Ecolint. 

Le succès des programmes de formation initiale des enseignants est en grande partie lié au soutien de beaucoup d’entre vous dans la Fondation ainsi qu’à nos partenaires, Institut Florimont, International School of Lausanne, Institut International de Lancy, Haut-Lac International School, La Côte, Champittet and Collège de Léman. Thank you all for your continuous support.

We would like to thank everyone who has served as a mentor or school link, offered a workshop session, or contributed in any other way to this exceptional programme. Mentoring a trainee is a powerful experience in professional learning for both the novice and the veteran teacher. If you are interested in working with us as we develop the next generation of international educators, please contact Natalie Adams Perrin ( or Anne De Leon (

Notre travail constant sur l'Inclusion 

Nos principes directeurs précisent l'engagement en faveur de l'inclusion, qui est un élément essentiel de notre identité en tant qu'institution depuis le début. Au cours de l'année 2022-2023, nous avons beaucoup investi dans l'IDE-A et nous continuerons à nous concentrer sur ce domaine à l'avenir.

Some highlights from this year include:

> Ecolint was one of four co-founders of the International School Anti-Discrimination Task Force (ISADTF) to address discrimination. The launch was hosted at La Grande Boissière with nearly 100 schools represented. 

> I-DEA continued to provide a listening ear to different parts of the community, reflecting on ways to continue or build on I-DEA work in our schools through assemblies, mentor programs, anti-discrimination groups, inclusive onboarding, restorative practices and more. 

> Two-day IDE-A training undertaken by school leaders, board members and members of the Staff Association in March.

Ochan Kusuma-Powell et Kristen Pelletier de Next Frontier Inclusion continuent de travailler en étroite collaboration avec nous. Une question importante qu'elles soulèvent est la suivante : Dans quelle mesure notre modèle continue-t-il à développer les capacités de ceux qui y travaillent (y compris les enseignant(e)s spécialisé(e)s et les assistant(e)s)? 

Our focus on collaborative teaching practices aims at helping us to move further towards a common understanding of shared space, co-equal status, and shared responsibility. 

Inclusive Access to Education at Ecolint was recently reviewed by the Inclusion Working Group and the Conférence des Directeurs. This document brings together all Foundation-wide learning-support related statements and emphasises the importance of shared responsibility for all our learners. We look forward to sharing more information with you on this in the fall. 

New Masters in International Education

With our input, Oxford Brookes University in the UK will launch a new MA in International Education in January 2024. Ecolint will be contributing to the curriculum design and will be working with Oxford Brookes over the coming months to review and finalise the modules. This course is truly designed for international educators who want to critically consider and reflect on the role of international education today.

Links to interesting reading, resources and other opportunities

The Ecolint Institute blog - read the latest blog posts from Karen Taylor, Director of Education including the recently published post, ‘The Challenge of Marking Student Papers’

InclusionEd - supporting diverse learners

ECIS Inclusive Education

Brinkmann, L. M., Duarte, J. & Melo-Pfeifer, S. (2022). Promoting Plurilingualism Through Linguistic Landscapes: A Multi-Method and Multisite Study in Germany and the Netherlands. TESL Canada Journal, 38(2), 88–112.
Chen, L., Karas, M., Shalizar, M., & Piccardo, E. (2022). From “Promising Controversies” to Negotiated Practices: A Research Synthesis of Plurilingual Pedagogy in Global Contexts. TESL Canada Journal, 38(2), 1–35.

Ferri, G. (2023). Embodied Others and the Ethics of Difference. Deterritorialising intercultural learning. Pedagogy Culture and Society. 31:2, 269–282.

Roiha, A. & Sommier, M. (2021). Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Intercultural Education in an International School. Intercultural Education, 32:4, 446-463.

Professional Learning offered by The Principals’ Training Center

Professional Learning offered by the Harvard Graduate School of Education