This symposium has been postponed: Trustworthiness and Teachers

Les Symposiums de l'Ecolint ont lieu tout au long de l'année. Ils débutent par l'exposé de l'intervenant du jour et se poursuit par un apéritif. Ce moment convivial, passé à discuter de pédagogie, est tout aussi important que la présentation. Il s'inscrit dans une tradition chère à l'Ecolint, celle de l'échange ouvert et de la volonté constante d'apprendre.

Ecolint Symposiums take place throughout the year. They begin with a presentation by the speaker of the day and are followed by an apéritif. The sociable moment we spend together discussing pedagogy is as important as the talk itself and contributes to Ecolint’s tradition of open exchange and spirit of lifelong learning.

As discussed recently in the Director General’s address to the Ecolint Foundation staff, Andrew is a researcher who specialist field is on trust between educators. He is currently working on a book about the subject. In this talk, he will (1) examine trust, (2) look at the concepts of trust and trustworthiness in educational settings, (3) explain why our focus should be on trustworthiness rather than trust, and (4) consider some related concepts such as confirmation bias and vulnerability. Practical strategies will be suggested for several situations.

Dr Andrew Close has taught at Ecolint for 14 years, and during this time has completed doctoral research into trust between teachers. He has published articles in Australian education journals and has spoken at several education conferences.  An accomplished musician and drama teacher, he is currently Head of Arts at Nations secondary school.

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